NBDC Research ID: hum0031.v1



Aims: Constructing database of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and the ancillary clinical information for multisite collaboration studies

Methods: T1-weighted whole-brain structural images with clinical information of individuals with schizophrenia, mood disorders (unipolar and bipolar disorders) and healthy controls were acquired at three clinical sites in Japan. The data were anonymized and checked for quality.

Participants/Materials: 176 cases (normal control: 129; schizophrenia: 37; unipolar disorder: 8; biporlar disorder: 2)


Dataset IDType of DataCriteriaRelease Date



Brain MRIs and clinical info of normal controls

Controlled-access (Type I)




Brain MRIs and clinical info of patients with schizophrenia

Controlled-access (Type I)




Brain MRIs and clinical info of patients with depression

Controlled-access (Type I)




Brain MRIs and clinical info of patients with bipolar disorder

Controlled-access (Type I)




Information on MRI equipments



*Release Note

*Restrictions on data use: NBDC policy & Company User Limit

*Data users need to apply an application for Using NBDC Human Data to reach the Controlled-access Data. Learn more

*When the research results including the data which were downloaded from NHA/DRA, are published or presented somewhere, the data user must refer the papers which are related to the data, or include in the acknowledgment. Learn more


Data Summary

1. Normal Control Cases

● Datasets (JGAD000042)

ItemFile for Download# of CasesFile Name ExampleFile Format (Extension)
Brain MRI mriimg_normal.zip 129 cases CBSN0001
NIfTI (.nii)
Phantom MRI mriimg_normal.zip 64 cases CBSNP0001 NIfTI (.nii)
Subject's ID-Phantom ID-Equipment ID Mapping Table mriqc_normal.tsv 64 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)
Clinical Infomation crf_normal.tsv 129 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)

● Clinical Infomation (crf_normal.tsv)

Item NameDescriptionUnitComment
ID Subject's ID - -
AGE Age at the time of imaging
years old -
GENDER Gender - 1=male, 2=female
HEIGHT Height cm -
WEIGHT Weight kg -
PERIOD_OF_EDUCATION Period of education years -
HANDEDNESS Handedness - R=right hand, L=left hand
SES Socioeconomic status - Hollingshead,A.B. (1957)※1

※1: Hollingshead, A.B. (1957). Two Factor Index of Social Position. Mimeo. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University.

Click here to download the dictionary file of clinical infomation for normal controls.


2. Schizophrenia Cases

● Datasets (JGAD000043)

File for Download# of CasesFile Name ExampleFile Format (Extension)
Brain MRI mriimg_sz.zip 37 cases CBSN0001
NIfTI (.nii)
Phantom MRI mriimg_sz.zip 12 cases CBSNP0001 NIfTI (.nii)
Subject's ID-Phantom ID-Equipment ID Mapping Table mriqc_sz.tsv 12 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)
Clinical Information crf_sz.tsv 37 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)

● Clinical Information (crf_sz.tsv)

Item NameDescriptionUnitComment
ID Subject's ID - -


Age at the time of imaging
years old -
GENDER Gender - 1=male, 2=female
HEIGHT Height cm -
WEIGHT Weight kg -
PERIOD_OF_EDUCATION Period of education years -
HANDEDNESS Handedness - R=right hand, L=left hand
SES Socioeconomic status - Hollingshead,A.B. (1957)※1
PANSS_POSITIVE The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale - Kay, S., et al. (1987)※2
PANSS_NEGATIVE The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale - Kay, S., et al. (1987)※2
PANSS_GENERAL_PSYCHOPATHOLOGY The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale - Kay, S., et al. (1987)※2
DURATION_OF_ILLNESS Duration of illness years -
CHLORPROMAZINE_EQUIVALENT_DOSE Chlorpromazine equivalent dose mg -

※1: Hollingshead, A.B. (1957). Two Factor Index of Social Position. Mimeo. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University.

※2: Kay, S., Fiszbein, A., & Opler, L. (1987) The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) for schizophrenia., Schizophrenia Bulletin, 13: 262 -276.

Click here to download the dictionary file of clinical information for schizophrenia patinents.


3. Unipolar Disorder Cases

● Datasets (JGAD000044)

ItemFile for Download# of CasesFile Name ExampleFile Format (Extension)
Brain MRI mriimg_dep.zip 8 cases CBSN0001
NIfTI (.nii)
Phantom MRI mriimg_dep.zip 2 cases CBSNP0001 NIfTI (.nii)
Subject ID-Phantom ID-Equipment ID Mapping Table mriqc_dep.tsv 2 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)
Clinical Information crf_dep.tsv 8 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)

● Clinical Information (crf_dep.tsv)

Item NameDescriptionUnitComment
ID Subject's ID - -
AGE Age at the time of imaging
years old -
GENDER Gender - 1=male, 2=female
HEIGHT Height cm -
WEIGHT Weight kg -
PERIOD_OF_EDUCATION Period of education years -
HANDEDNESS handedness - R=right hand, L=left hand
SES Socioeconomic status - Hollingshead,A.B. (1957)※1
HAMD Hamilton Depression Rating Scale - Hamilton, M. (1960)※3

※1: Hollingshead, A.B. (1957) Two Factor Index of Social Position. Mimeo. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University.

※3: Hamilton M. (1960) A rating scale for depression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 23: 56–62.

Click here to download the dictionary file of clinical information for unipolar depression patinents.


4. Bipolar Disorder Cases

● Datasets (JGAD000045)

ItemFile for Download# of CasesFile Name ExampleFile Format(Extension)
Brain MRI mriimg_bp.zip 2 cases CBSN0001
NIfTI (.nii)
Phantom MRI mriimg_bp.zip 0 cases CBSNP0001 NIfTI (.nii)
Subject ID-Phantom ID-Equipment ID Mapping Table mriqc_bp.tsv 0 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)
Clinical Information crf_bp.tsv 2 cases - Tab Separated Variables (.tsv)

● Clinical Information (crf_bp.tsv)

Item NameDescriptionUnitComment
ID Subject's ID - -
AGE Age at the time of Imaging years old -
GENDER Gender - 1=male, 2=female
HEIGHT Height cm -
WEIGHT Weight kg -
PERIOD_OF_EDUCATION Period of education years -
HANDEDNESS Handedness - R=right hand, L=left hand
SES Socioeconomic status - Hollingshead,A.B. (1957)※1
HAMD Hamilton Depression Rating Scale - Hamilton, M. (1960)※3

※1: Hollingshead, A.B. (1957) Two Factor Index of Social Position. Mimeo. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University.

※3: Hamilton M. (1960) A rating scale for depression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 23: 56–62.

Click here to download the dictionary file of clinical information for bipolar disorder patinents.


MRI Equipment


Equipment ID ID of MRI Scanner
Vendor Philips
Model Achieva
Strength of Magnetic Field 3T
Modality 3D-T1
B1 Correction Performed
Sensitivity Correction Performed
Head Coil SENSE-Head-8

Click here to download the MRI equipment information and here for the dictionary file.



Principal Investigator:  Kiyoto Kasai

Affiliation: Department of Neuropsychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo

Project / Group Name: Comprehensive Brain Science Network (CBSN)

URL: http://npsy.umin.jp/, http://cbsn-mri.umin.jp/

Funds/Grants (Research Project Number): -

NameTitleProject Number
KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas Comprehensive Brain Science Network 221S0003
Life Science Database Integration Project (Database Integration Coordination Program) of Japan Science and Technology Agency Study on integration of the human brain related diseases imaging data -


TitleDOIDataset ID


USERS (Controlled-access Data)

Principal InvestigatorAffiliationCountry/RegionResearch TitleData in Use (Dataset ID)Period of Data Use
Mikihiro Yasuda Kwansei Gakuin University Japan Construction of a method for analyzing brain networks based on fMRI data JGAD000042,